Talion Review

talion thumbnail

There was more than I originally expected. I was able to adjust height, waist, bust, hair and eye color (lots of colors), and skin tone (within reason).

There was one thing that bothered me. There were only two female options and two male options. The female characters classes were Pell and Vellerine. If a guy wanted to be a Pell or Vellerine he would have to have a female character, because there is no male version of those characters. Just as there are no female versions of the male classes.

Whatever hair style you pick really doesn’t matter, because when you get new helmet you hairstyle, makeup, and sometimes the skin tone you picked will all change when the new helmet is equipped.

Smooth play while streaming? How major is the lag?
The lag was horrendous! The game abdolutely hated when I attempted to play the game and live stream at the same time. There were many times when the game would crash for that very reason. However, when I wasn’t attempting to live stream it ran smoothly.

In other words::
Live streaming = lag lag lag crash
Record screen (not streaming) = smooth
Just playing = smooth

However, I’m unaware if it’s because of DU Recorder, or the fact that I was streaming in general that annoyed the game.

Mobile Real estate?
To download and install it needed 79.23MBs of real estate. When I uninstalled the game it was taking up almost 4GBs, and it wanted another 5GBs for an update. That’s why I called it quits. It used a lot of RAM. I always had to have my McAfee clear my running memory in attempts to remove some lag before opening the game.

Visual aesthetics?
In game it reminded me a lot of desktop style mmorpgs. It was very much to my aesthetic. The only real issue it had was the boobs moving in unnatural ways, even when standing still.

Did it cause minor or major addiction?
At first I felt like “I have to be in game all the time,” I didn’t want to miss anything. However, by the time I uninstalled the game I was rarely playing the game.

Amount of interaction between players?
It was more pve than pvp in my opinion. There are many chances to be in parties and tackle quest as a unit. There were marriage opportunities, and guilds. There were regional bosses and world bosses. However, those were open to everyone not just my faction.

There were some quest where I had to go to enemy territory to kill beast. Returning back to my homeland was very easy and immediate upon quest completion in those cases.

Ease of install? Use?
Installing was easy and like all games there was a small learning curve. The only issue with use that I had was during the customization phase when I was unable to scroll sideways to see more hair and eye color selections that I knew for a fact were there.

Story line heavy or action heavy?
In general I feel the balance between story heavy and action heavy was fairly even. Although, the Ultraman dungeons were very heavy in story lines.

You can follow the story on my YouTube channel. Here is part 1&2:

Does it appear to be a copy cat?
For me it was a unique game, and didn’t remind me of any mobile games I’ve played in the past aside from the lack of gender equality in classes selections. I loved that it gave me the feel of a PC MMORPG.

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