My thoughts on the GW2 End of Dragons info dump twitch stream

So I’ve watched and rewatched the gw2 partial information dump twitch stream. And I’m liking the new mesmer elite, however, I’m withholding my judgment regarding the new elite spec having no clones. I’m really want to see the necro, ranger, and elementalist new elite specs and traits. I’ll finally have something to do with my stockpile of hero points.

I like the concept of multi-rider mount(s) and the skiffs. At the same time, one of the things I like about gw2 is that there was no fishing. Although I like fishing in my other games, I’m sick of it and I liked that there was a decent MMORPG that I considered really replayable that didn’t have some sort of fishing taking place. I probably won’t even use the skiffs as fishing boats, but rather as another form of transportation. I’m looking forward to seeing how sharks react to them, like when I’m on my skimmer whether above water or below I can be attacked by any hostile water creatures, mainly sharks when I’m floating above water. Will sharks attack my skiff, or act like nothing attackable is nearby?

Central Tyria has a guildhall (I think it has more than 1?), and each of the previous expansions has included a guildhall. So, for me personally, them mentioning a guildhall wasn’t really a spoiler to me, because ArenaNet has given us guildhalls with every expansion up to this point, and because of that I pretty much assume a guildhall will be part of every expansion they release. Although assuming is bad, because sometimes it’s like making an ass out of yourself, I do it anyway. What was a spoiler was the look of the guildhall. I’m excited to see what the guild decorators in my guilds do with the Canthean guildhall. From what they said it’s going to have a lot of space specifically so that guildhall decorators can go crazy. I’m thinking it’s going to be more spacious than the PoF guildhall (which I think is maybe too big).

What are your thoughts?

PS: I’m definitely getting my hands on that Aurene statue.

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